EC-Council Pro – Annual

Get Access to 500+ Premium Courses on EC-Council Learning, the World's Largest Online Cybersecurity Library!

Here is everything you get:

Unlimited one-year access to our entire library of 500+ premium courses

Over 20,000 videos, and 2500 hours of practical learning content to gain hands-on experience with the latest tools and technologies

Over 13,500 lab demos and 12,500 quiz questions to learn new skills

Courses in five categories—information security, network security, secure programming, cloud computing, and data science to stay ahead of the curve

New courses added every month!

A globally-recognized Certificate of Achievement from CodeRed by EC-Council when you complete any course to show off your skills

Exclusive access to monthly workshops with industry experts

Course recommendations based on career goals and watch history

Favorites list to add lessons that interest you the most

The ability to add and save notes on lessons

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